[Container-tools] Atomic Developer Bundle and OpenShift

Josef Stribny jstribny at redhat.com
Tue Nov 3 09:17:11 UTC 2015


> * OpenShift needs dns to allow a user to access their applications: 
> For OpenShift to give a good user experience, it needs to manage some 
> wildcard domain. In other words, when a user sets up an application, 
> they need to give it a name and they access the application from 
> their host web browser at something like "myCoolApp.myADB.lcl". 
> OpenShift uses host-headers to route the browser to the correct app. 
> However, this means, if OpenShift is running in a VM, the host 
> machine needs to know to route *.myADB.lcl to the VM and then to 
> OpenShift. As the VM will come up on an (likely) unknowable IP, we 
> planned to use vagrant-landrush, a plugin for vagrant that manages a 
> DNS server for this type of use case. Currently, this plugin still 
> has some problems on windows and has never been tested in this exact 
> use case. Is someone working on:
>   1) testing that this setup will actually work with OpenShift (even 
> on mac or linux where, i believe, v-landrush is known to work)
>   2) looking in to the issues on windows?

I implemented libvirt support that should work now but its not yet 
merged upstream (we can still package the plugin and include it for 
I wanted to look on Windows and I have a Windows licence requested but 
I still don't have it. As I am leaving Red Hat in two months (long 
story short I want few
months of free time) I am not sure I get it in time and will be able to 
come up with something usable.

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