[Container-tools] Atomic Developer Bundle and OpenShift

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Wed Nov 4 18:52:01 UTC 2015

>>> * OpenShift needs dns to allow a user to access their applications: 
>>> For OpenShift to give a good user experience, it needs to manage 
>>> some wildcard domain. In other words, when a user sets up an 
>>> application, they need to give it a name and they access the 
>>> application from their host web browser at something like 
>>> "myCoolApp.myADB.lcl". OpenShift uses host-headers to route the 
>>> browser to the correct app. However, this means, if OpenShift is 
>>> running in a VM, the host machine needs to know to route *.myADB.lcl 
>>> to the VM and then to OpenShift. As the VM will come up on an 
>>> (likely) unknowable IP, we planned to use vagrant-landrush, a plugin 
>>> for vagrant that manages a DNS server for this type of use case. 
>>> Currently, this plugin still has some problems on windows and has 
>>> never been tested in this exact use case. Is someone working on:
>>> 1) testing that this setup will actually work with OpenShift (even 
>>> on mac or linux where, i believe, v-landrush is known to work)
>>> 2) looking in to the issues on windows?
>> I don't have confirmation on QE working on this yet but this is 
>> definitely on our todo list to verify.
>> Yes, we plan on using land rush since that at least seem to work on 
>> Linux for the main VM+openshift, but on Mac and Windows I believe it 
>> will only work for the main VM - it won't work for the dynamically 
>> created apps by openshift.
>> I was hoping there would be one on the CDK team that knew enough 
>> about vagrant to tell if it would be possible to write a vagrant 
>> plugin that would somehow run in the background and either listen or 
>> poll frequently if openshift added new routes, and if yes - write 
>> back to the main host "/etc/host" (diff location on win) file to add 
>> them.
>> Alternatively (and I don't know if this actually possible) I was 
>> wondering if CDK could host a dns or similar that we could configure 
>> Windows to use as fallback when it otherwise couldn't resolve the 
>> host names ?
> vagrant-landrush is a dns.. .I think that was the point.

I'm not an expert on this but my understanding was that vagrant-landrush 
is not *a* dns, it is just do a "trick" to setup a wildcard dns for a 
single ip. If landrush was an actual dns it would "just work". What 
happens now is that land rush just statically adds this at startup.

> We could write a new vagrant plugin to do dns, but why not just 
> improve the existing one?

sorry if my comment was confusion - did not mean to imply we couldn't 
improve the existing one. If that will work then yes definitely go for 

Since this plugin would need to listen to openshift specific stuff I 
wouldn't have expected it to be relevant in land rush plugin.

> I believe openshift can work with a wildcard dns. Mind you, this is 
> *not* the dns that openshift uses internally, which I am expecting we 
> will be getting in the container(s) from the openshift team. We only 
> want to use landrush (or some host provided dns) for the apps 
> themselves and, I thought, wildcard would work with openshift so 
> openshift wouldn't need to interact with the dns server.

afaik, the openshift side is covered. it knows that its machine is named 
i.e. `openshift.cdk.local` and it knows how to map my 
`myapp.openshift.cdk.local` to whatever internal ip openshift have 

Problem is that Windows does not support wildcard dns/routes afaik.

This is is why the vagrant host manager plugin exist which instead of 
doing the routing trick land rush does hostmanager adds static entries 
to the host file on the host OS.

What we need is a constant monitoring of new entries to add to host file 
OR someway to wire the dns known to openshift/cdk available to Windows.

In any case we are looking at requiring users to have full root/admin 
access to allow this to run ;/

Any takers for trying to make such plugin ?


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