[Container-tools] Atomic CLI + Atomicapp workflow

Ratnadeep Debnath rtnpro at fedoraproject.org
Thu Nov 5 10:14:16 UTC 2015

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:23 PM, Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/04/2015 01:38 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
>> On 11/04/2015 06:25 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
>>> On 11/04/2015 07:15 AM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've had conversations over the past few weeks with many of you
>>>> about atomicapp and running it through Atomic CLI. Basically the
>>>> problem is that the INSTALL/RUN/STOP labels are a bit fragile and we
>>>> have seen breakage a few times as a result. In the discussions we
>>>> have talked about better alternatives and I think this is what we'd
>>>> like to go with in the future:
>>>> 1 - the only case where atomic cli needs to work is for running
>>>> `atomic run <appname>` any other piece of the puzzle WILL be handled
>>>> by the atomicapp cli (excludes openshift use case)
>>>> 2 - people can use the atomicapp cli to do
>>>> unpack/install/run/uninstall/etc... whatever the tool supports they
>>>> can do it
>>>> 3 - people can use atomicapp cli from an installed rpm OR from an
>>>> alias that runs a docker container to run the cli

I am not sure if it's a good idea to expose two different commands:
atomic CLI and atomicapp to the user.

> What does atomicapp expect to happen when  you do an atomic stop?  You
> want the STOP label to run even if there is no container?  You don't
> want to specify a container?

A nulecule is a collection of many containers or similar entities. I'd
envision that running a nulecule app generates a nulecule ID, which
gets used for post install operations like "stop", apart from the
ability to start and stop a nulecule app from path. The ID could be
just a dir under /var/lib/atomicapp which contains the installed and
extracted nulecule app.

> My fear now is that we are breaking this up to where atomic and
> atomicapp will compete against each other.  And users will need to know
> for this type of container I run atomicapp and for this other type of
> container I run atomic.


Ratnadeep Debnath,
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