[Container-tools] Agenda (tentative) for Brno f2f meeting next week

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Tue Sep 22 05:44:39 UTC 2015

                  Agenda for Brno f2f meeting

 Tentative version, I may have forgotten something, we may be able to
reorganize some of it on the fly especially using Thur afternoon.
 Note that there is a bit of preparation for everybody, please be ready
to provide a status and give demo of what you have been working on,
and reply to provide suggestion on lightning talks for Tuesday afternoon.
 If we are to make a lunch and learn about the CDK who think he can do
the presentation ?

Tuesday 29

Start 9am
  Morning: status and demos
    - round around the table, introduction
    - what are we working on what is the current status
      ideally presentation of recent work, like doing demo
      (please send prerequisite in advance so people can
       try to have their laptop ready), we should have
      a couple of MacBook in the room for those who own one.

      + the CDK, vagrant, o-m-v, VMWare
      + some of the new nulecule packages
      + the new work on providers
      + v2c status/demo
      + Eclipse integration
      + current status on OpenShift
      + features on the work for beta3

    - developments for nulecule and atomicapp
      + in-depth review of the set of trello card
        suggest to start with nulecule, then atomicapp
      + status for beta3 items
      + status for the golang implementation (Dan Walsh, BlueJeans ?)
    - Open Discussion room for development:
      + pick topics, possibly make a couple of slides 10-15mn each,
           think of a lightning talk session format
      + DV: buddy work system, assign a couple of person on each
            category, e.g. Dusty and Ian on the developper pipeline,
	    Navid and Charlie on tests, ...
      + DV: webifying our code, more read-only, keeping the base URL for
            artifacts, doing URI computations for relative resources
      + add your suggestions

Wed 30:
    - open hacking session based on some of the items selected
        in Tuesday afternoon
    - possibly a couple more demos or lighting talks if not complete

  Lunch: Lunch and Learn about the CDK ? (looking for a speaker)

    - Integration as part of other frameworks
	- Eclipse: Xavier and Pete should be here we should focus on the
	  next steps of the integration, challenges over cross-platforms
	  support, documentation of expectation (though Bex will be missing)
	- Openshift: hopefully we can get Clayton over BlueJeans and
	  discuss some of the problematic points, DNS, templates, container
	  packaging status...
	- DevAssistant: what are the next steps
    -> if some of the people are missing we can swap parts with Thur afternoon

   => Going out together in the evening

Thursday Oct 1st:
     - Welcoming new team member Tomas, bootstrap

   Morning: starting the Ecosystem
     - Community releases: where, how much, how to find us, positioning
       to Atomic, server needs...
     - Container Ecosystem: what is going on with ISV pipeline, what apps
       how can we showcase those
     - Whom should we target first in the ecosystem, how can we close
       the loop with what we already packaged (mailman, etherpad ...)
     - Developper pipeline:
       + what can we reasonably offer to communities ?
       + what kind of resources do we need, how much can we reuse CentOS
         and Fedora

     - More integration discussions
     - Keeping some time for unplanned discussion e.g. with other people
       working from Brno in related areas
     - Making sure Trello is in order and aligned with what we
       discussed so far

Friday Oct 2nd:
     - Documentation and user experience as Bex will be back
       + where do we need to put the effort
       + when someone like Max gets lost how do we make sure we collect
         feedback and get them back on-track ?
     - Hacking session

     - Focused discussions with people remaining

Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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