[Container-tools] OSAS Technical meeting Sep 15

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Tue Sep 22 13:13:45 UTC 2015

                     OSAS Technical meeting Sep 15

Last archive:


 * DV
 * bexelbie
 * navid
 * cdrage
 * Dusty Mabe
 * bkp
 * Dusty Mabe
 * Misc

 * PPC64 LE support, IBM made some noise and it's starting, working on
   bootstrapping, it should be available soon hopefully
 * Xen working on ARM64 now, Jim will talk about it this w.e. at the
   Linaro Connect conference. CentOS is pushed as the reference platform,
   and Jim will present what the capabilities are.
 * Driver and some virtualization support are the next direction of
   developments for ARM64

Community Cage:
 * things going according to plan
 * Gluster plan to put more servers there but we may not have anough space

 * SJ (RCM) would have prefered for us to do the build, Ian will try
   doing it in Lala's absence * Changes for Koji from Ian will hopefully
   be pushed this week * Rtnpro is on NHO , plan to finish and document
   Docker compose support... and rpm package it * Docker atomicapp stop
   support raised some isses in atomic app and Charlie is woking on it
   GH issue https://github.com/projectatomic/atomicapp/issues/145
 * Dusty workied on an Etherpad+MySQL using a Docker provider. Works well
   with Docker, but has issues with kubernete, we need to have SkyDNS,
   looking at solving that for a CenOS platforma nd getting it in ADB in
   the end.
 * Navid worked on the Eclipse ADB support
 * Bex work with Navid for the plugin for portforward for Eclipse. It
   was pushed to vagrant upstream
   * <https://github.com/bexelbie/vagrant-adbinfo>
   * <https://rubygems.org/gems/vagrant-adbinfo>


Daniel Veillard      | Open Source and Standards, Red Hat
veillard at redhat.com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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