[Container-tools] Exploring a "Developer Workstation" option for Anaconda partitioning?

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 03:25:32 UTC 2016

I'm currently working on better setting up my laptop (running Fedora
23, upgraded from F22) for working with Docker, and hitting a couple
of major barriers:

* the default Fedora Workstation partitioning (at least back in F22)
heavily favoured "/home" storage over "/" storage (which is sensible
for many cases, but markedly less good if you have docker & libvirt
putting a lot of content in /var)
* http://www.projectatomic.io/docs/docker-storage-recommendation/ not
only makes my eyes glaze over, but also assumes your available storage
isn't already fully allocated

(I haven't encountered it myself yet, but I'm also told that
Kubernetes can hit deadlock bugs when running against a Docker daemon
using the loopback device rather than devicemapper)

In my particular case, I'm in the process of reclaiming the old
never-actually-used Windows partition on this system and reallocating
that to "/" and docker-storage-setup, but that's not a particularly
desirable thing to be asking developers to do to get a solid
environment for container based development.

So what I'm wondering is whether or not it might make sense for us to
explore ways to offer an alternate partitioning scheme for Anaconda
that was tailored to container based development, rather than
expecting people to reconfigure their system post-installation? (The
system reconfiguration instructions would still be desirable, but
could hopefully be made less frequently needed, especially in
centrally managed environments)


P.S. You may ask, "Why not just use Vagrant?", and there are a few
answers to that:

* I shouldn't *need* it on Fedora, so if folks are still finding
getting setting up for native container based development too hard,
that's a problem to be fixed rather than worked around
* it adds yet another layer to my dev environment that can go wrong
* my SSD is only 512 GB, so virt images add up
* it's a second system for me to have to keep up to date
* a proliferation of virt bridges makes the NetworkManager applet more
annoying to use (especially when it already has a few wireless
networks and VPNs defined)

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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