[Container-tools] First time using cdkv2

Scott Collier scollier at redhat.com
Fri May 13 21:09:29 UTC 2016


This is my first time installing the CDK v2.  I deployed this on a 
remote RHEL7.2 host.  Hopefully this is the right list.  Sorry if these 
have already been posted and answered.  Figured I'd pass along my notes:

1. Followed this guide:

At one point when staging the environment it asks you to install some 
packages from the CentOS repos.  That command fails, because by default 
you don't have the gpg key installed.  Fails with:

"Public key for sclo-vagrant1-rubygem-netrc-0.7.7-8.el7.noarch.rpm is 
not installed"

You can get around that with a --nogpgcheck on the yum install line. 
This should be called out more clearly.

2. When issuing a "vagrant up", it gets to the point where it asks you 
to approve registering with RHN, and then immediately entering your 

     default: Would you like to register the system now (default: yes)? 
[y|n]    default: username:

That's all on one line, with no carriage return.  I didn't know whether 
to hit "y" for yes to register, or enter my username.  I entered my 
username and it worked.

3. Once it's set up, it gives you an IP address that you can hit, which 
is nice, but, it's a local IP:

==> default: You can now access the OpenShift console on:

Can it be set up to share a public IP on the vagrant host so I can hit 
the console remotely?  I realize that some / most are issuing this on 
their localhost, but I'm not.

I was able to ssh into the vagrant box and do the "oc" commands.  That 
was nice.

4. What version of OpenShift is installed here?  I did not see any 
OpenShift packages except openshifttonulecule, nor any atomic-openshift 
packages. The box I'm using is: 

5. One note about the install flow:

You can start here:


Then click "Get started" in red at the top, which takes you here:


Then you start downloading things.  What I'm concerned about is when you 
get to the "Install Vagrant" section.  It links out to the vagrant 
website.  On that page is a huge "DOWNLOAD" link.  Well, do you want me 
to install it from there? Or from the CentOS repos?  I'll keep going... 
I installed it from Vagrants website - which caused me library issues later.

So, now I've installed vagrant, I keep going and see a step for "If you 
are using: Red Hat Enterprise Linux".  This takes me to another site:


Which is the CDK installation guide.  That page has me add a CentOS 
repo, and install vagrant from there, which fails because I've got these 
weird ruby deps because of the other install I just went through.

The way I got it installed, is that I blew away my host, reinstalled, 
and started at the CDK Install guide. listed as the last link above.




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