[Container-tools] Atomic App / Nulecule spec reviews

Charlie Drage cdrage at redhat.com
Wed May 18 13:50:33 UTC 2016

Hi all!

I've made some considerable progress in regards to the Nulecule /
Atomic App direction and how we're becoming more of a deployment tool
for distributing and deploying multi-container applications.

However! I'm starting to become blocked now due to awaiting spec /
code reviews as I begin to finish / catch up to my original workload.
Although I could merge it individually, it's best to get a community
review / support on it before continuing :)

One of the biggest changes is the specification, as per pull:
https://github.com/projectatomic/nulecule/pull/205 which makes some
considerable changes to the way we write Nulecule files. If I could get
some input on it, that would be great as it would create some work to
get added to Atomic App / Nulecule as well as decrease the learning
curve associated with creating and generating a Nulecule file.

Another large change is the addition to *binary* generation for Atomic
App, creating support for not only Linux, but Mac OS X and Windows
platforms, allowing the ability to use Atomic App to deploy a
multi-container application on a cluster from whichever platform you
wish, whether or not it uses Python on the distribution. I've tested
the generated binary on multiple operating systems and it appears to
work awesomely!

A third change is the addition of the Kubernetes binary usage to the
API, which (at the moment) contains an additional 1200 lines of code
to be added to Atomic App. Both functional and unit tests pass :)

Many thanks and happy coding!

Charlie Drage
Red Hat - OSAS Team / Project Atomic
4096R / 0x9B3B446C

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