[Crash-utility] crash version 4.0-6.1 is available

Dave Anderson anderson at redhat.com
Fri Feb 29 15:17:39 UTC 2008

- Support for 2.6.25 x86_64 kernels with the x86/x86_64 merger patch.
   Without the patch, attempting a crash session would fail during
   initialization with the error message: "crash: invalid structure
   member offset: tss_struct_ist".  (anderson at redhat.com)

- Support for 2.6.25 x86 kernels with the x86/x86_64 merger patch.
   Without the patch, attempting a crash session on a dumpfile would
   fail during initialization with the error message: "crash: invalid
   structure size: user_regs_struct".  (anderson at redhat.com)

- Fix for "bt" command when running on a live 2.6.25 x86 kernel with
   the x86/x86_64 merger patch.  Without the patch, "bt" would fail
   with the error message: "bt: invalid structure member offset:
   task_struct_thread_eip".  (anderson at redhat.com)

- Fix for the "timer" command in 2.6.25 kernels.  Without the patch
   the command would fail with the error message: "timer: zero-size
   memory allocation! (called from <user address>)".
   (anderson at redhat.com)

- Cosmetic change to the x86 "bt" command to recognize the entry point
   name change from "sysenter_entry" to "ia32_sysenter_target".  Without
   the patch, the entry point would indicate the "sysenter_past_esp"
   assembly code label.  (anderson at redhat.com)

Download from: http://people.redhat.com/anderson

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