[Crash-utility] source line numbers and modules

Bryn M. Reeves breeves at redhat.com
Wed Jan 16 14:25:19 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Alan Tyson wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone please explain why we cannot get source line numbers when
> disassembling modules?  Is the problem missing functionality in
> store_load_module_symbols() or is there an inherent limitation with the
> gdb linked in with crash in that it cannot accept additional debug_line
> information for modules?  I ask because gdb has this functionality for
> user-space shared libraries and it seems to work OK.  Or am I missing
> something which is much more complex?

Hi Alan,

What versions of crash/kernel are you using? I've encountered this
before, but it seems to be dependent on the version of crash and/or the
kernel that you're working on.

E.g. on some RHEL4 crash builds, and with some kernels, "dis -l" fails
to give useful line number references, while with others it's fine.

I didn't note down which combinations I found worked and which
didn't - I ended up using it as an opportunity to improve my assembler
reading skills and did without the line number info :)

I'll go back over this and try to figure out what does & doesn't work
for me.


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