[Crash-utility] [PATCH] Add ELF core dump support for s390x

Dave Anderson anderson at redhat.com
Mon Feb 15 21:56:46 UTC 2010

----- "Michael Holzheu" <holzheu at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 17:06 +0100, Michael Holzheu wrote:
> > > No major changes other than to rename the machdep->elf_note_add() function
> > > to machdep->dumpfile_init().  The idea is that, in the future, if there is
> > > ever *anything* in *any* type of dumpfile header that should be transmitted
> > > to the architecture code during the dumpfile discovery phase, then that function
> > > can be used.  (For example, I could collaborate all of those machdep->xen_xxx()
> > > functions into using it, but I'm not going to bother changing them all
> > > at this point...)
> Sorry, I did not read your note carefully. If you want to do that then
> my current implementation is wrong. The problem is that now I expect ELF
> note structures and will always do. It is not possible to support
> multiple dump formats with my current approach.

Sure it's possible.  In the (unlikely) case s390x ever needs to support anything
else, the first int argument can be made a uniquely-identifiable "command"
or some such.

> My suggestion would be to have one callback per dump format.

No thanks.  There's now over a dozen different supported dumpfile formats.

Your patch is fine.  With an int and void * arguments, we can cover
all bases in the future.  Typically an int would be a command of some
sort -- but doesn't have to be as in your case -- and the void * could
point to any kind of data structure.  I don't want to define things any
more than that.  


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