[Crash-utility] dis command not correct in crash

Lei Wen adrian.wenl at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 02:20:42 UTC 2013


I met "dis" command not correct issue when use the crash, any idea?
For built-in "dis" command in crash:
crash> dis task_rq_lock
0xc015a2d8 <task_rq_lock>:      rscsgt  r0, sp, r3, lsl #14
0xc015a2dc <task_rq_lock+4>:    mrcgt   8, 7, r0, cr2, cr13, {5}
0xc015a2e0 <task_rq_lock+8>:    mcrvc   8, 4, r3, cr13, cr3, {6}
0xc015a2e4 <task_rq_lock+12>:   lslsvc  r3, r10, r8
0xc015a2e8 <task_rq_lock+16>:   bl      0xc049fe34

But if I use arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gdb to load the vmlinux and do the
disassemble job, I would see:
(gdb) disas task_rq_lock
Dump of assembler code for function task_rq_lock:
   0xc015a2d8 <+0>:     push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r10, r11, lr}
   0xc015a2dc <+4>:     add     r7, r0, #620    ; 0x26c
   0xc015a2e0 <+8>:     ldr     r6, [pc, #100]  ; 0xc015a34c
   0xc015a2e4 <+12>:    add     r11, sp, #28
   0xc015a2e8 <+16>:    mov     r5, r0

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