[Crash-utility] how to use crash utility to parse the binary memory dump

Dave Anderson anderson at redhat.com
Wed Jul 23 13:07:58 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> Here is my counter-proposal, where the invocation would be something
> like this:
>   $ crash vmlinux ramdump at address [-o output_file]
> and if there are multiple images, make them a comma-separated list:
>   $ crash vmlinux ramdump1 at address,ramdump2 at address [-o output_file]

FYI, if you view the above in the web archives, it seems that it
strips out ampersands, so it looks like "ramdump address" instead
of "ramdump at address".  

So just in case you're confused by that, it's a single argument
with an ampersand separating the filename and address.


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