[Crash-utility] Using crash to dump trace information

Dave Anderson anderson at redhat.com
Wed Feb 26 14:19:03 UTC 2020

----- Original Message -----
> Hi Dave:
> I compiled crash-utility to run on X86 and handle vmcore files for a 32bit arm.
> I would like to use crash to dump the trace buffer, as described here:
> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/239433
> it relies on using a trace.so which is dependent on the kernel version.

That's news to me.  Why do say that?

> $ crash --osrelease vmcore*
> 4.9.170
> Since this is a homegrown version of 4.9 I suspect that I’d need to make the
> trace.so locally.

I don't understand your question, but on the x86 host machine tree were you built
the binary with "make target=ARM", you can build the sample extension modules
(which include trace.c) by entering "make extensions".

> Is that something I can do without a lot of work?
> -pete delaney

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