[Crash-utility] log -T option should not be support after system suspend

Dominique Martinet asmadeus at codewreck.org
Thu May 7 13:02:14 UTC 2020

赵乾利 wrote on Thu, May 07, 2020:
> This change does not take into account the system sleep,once system
> suspend this translation will make error,printk timestamp and jiffies
> won't be update during suspend,and system suspend is a common
> feature,so i think change is a bug.

This is how the regular unix command `dmesg -T` works, so I think it's
worth having as is: timestamp will be mostly correct until the first
sleep and then off by sleep amount.

This option isn't reliable anyway (drift depends on system but it's not
unusual to be off by a few minutes on most systems with more than a week
of uptime -- it drifts faster when cpu clock varies often), and it's not
like there's any harm in this.. At most print a warning that times after
sleep are wrong if you want to.

This is obviously just my opinion but I think for tools like crash, if a
user wants to shoot themselves in the foot, we should let them to... I'm
always annoyed when system tools know better and I need to waste time
patching them to bypass checks...

PS. Didn't want to send a mail "just" for it but thank you for all these
years Dave, hope you keep in touch a bit when you feel bored :)
And congratulation? to new maintainers!

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