[dm-devel] reboot problem

宋振华 songzhh81 at 163.com
Mon Oct 30 02:01:56 UTC 2006

Hi all:
	I'm a beginner to Device Mapper, now I have a problem perhaps stupid. 
	However, I have made a mapped device named "v1" with table "t1", then I made a mapped device named "v2" with table "t2" using "v1" as the targed device, and mount "/dev/mapper/v2" at "/mnt/vd". 
	Now I hope that after reboot there are still "v1","v2" and "v2" will be still mounted at "/mnt/vd". How should I do for these? Thanks!

        Song Zhenhua
        songzhh81 at 163.com

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