[dm-devel] dmsetup load not working?

Bob Bell Bell_Robert at emc.com
Sat Dec 8 16:24:40 UTC 2007

I'm using a SLES10 SP1 x86_64 system, and I'm been using dmsetup 
intensively for the first time.  From what I can tell, `dmsetup load` 
just doesn't seem to work; it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Below is the simplest case I could think to come up with to illustrate 
this issue.  Could anyone help me here?  Am I doing something wrong?

brick14b:~ # dd if=/dev/zero of=loopfile bs=1M count=100
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.269968 seconds, 388 MB/s
brick14b:~ # losetup /dev/loop1 loopfile
brick14b:~ # dmsetup create loop --table "0 $(blockdev --getsize /dev/loop1) linear /dev/loop1 0"
brick14b:~ # dmsetup create loop2 --notable
brick14b:~ # dmsetup table loop
0 204800 linear 7:1 0
brick14b:~ # dmsetup table loop2

brick14b:~ # dmsetup table loop | dmsetup load loop2
brick14b:~ # echo $?
brick14b:~ # dmsetup table loop2

brick14b:~ # dmsetup info loop2
Name:              loop2
State:             ACTIVE
Tables present:    INACTIVE
Open count:        0
Event number:      0
Major, minor:      253, 11
Number of targets: 0

brick14b:~ # 

Bob Bell

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