[dm-devel] newbie question regarding target_type's map callback

Krzysztof Błaszkowski kb at sysmikro.com.pl
Wed Jun 22 13:09:52 UTC 2011

Hello again,

On Sun, 2011-06-19 at 02:48 +0100, Alasdair G Kergon wrote:
> All I can suggest is studying the existing upstream targets to
> understand better how they work and perhaps avoid problems like the ones
> you are seeing.

I would like rather to discuss operation principles than study code like
e.g.: dm-raid1, dm-hash-region, dm-log and dm (although i've done it a
bit and not everything is clear to me)

Regarding ordering i found this:

There was one note i reckon is important to me:
Ordering is certainly maintained for the simple targets (linear,
striped). Snapshots and mirroring still need some work in this
regard, ..

And how does this look like nowadays ?

According to dm-raid1 example i changed my model of target. And now map
function adds bios to bio list which is drained later in worker thread
in order bios appeared in map. In this worker i do update block
bookkeeping table - set e.g. first bio and queue more bios for same
block lba.

I reckon this map queue may be more safe than updating bookkeeping table
directly in map because worker uses a list where bios order is
predefined and doesn't depend on e.g. map preemption.

The bookkeeping table is updated again in dm's end_io callback where, i
reckon, bio is considered to be done. I do not use dm_io() callback for
updating bookkeeping table, only bio_endio() is used there to complete
bio sent to map function.

I was thinking about following problem:
let's suppose there are e.g. 3 scsi requests, simple queue (e.g.
write10, read10, write10), they arrived in time:
Rq1 which dm will divide into blocks {A1, B1, C1, D1},
Rq2 : {B2, C2}, and Rq3 of {A3-F3},

index next to Rq stands for order in time. Lower index means earlier
request. Same letter stands for a block with the same block lba.

My concern is: if these blocks A1, B1, C1, .., B2, A3, .. F3 will arrive
in correct order in map function ? Is map function serialized by some
means inside dm ? (can map preemption change order of seeing these block
by dm target ?)

And is following thesis safe ? (that's very important) :
#1. it is always true that data corruption due to wrong reordering will
not happen if dm target will preserve time order of blocks (of the same
lba) passed back to dm_io always. e.g. {B1, B2, B3} or {C1, C2, C3} and
e.g. {B2, B1, B3} is example of dm target failure.

the above stands for that real sequence of passing back these blocks to
dm_io may look like this: A1, B1, C1, B2, C2, C3, B3, A3 ... or e.g. A1,
D1, B1, B2, B3, D2, A3 or any other similar.

What will be order of completing Rq1, Rq2, Rq3 for any possible
combination of block processing with exception according to thesis #1

> What is your target trying to do?
> (Why is split_io important?  Did you implement a merge fn?)

dm-raid1 doesn't use merge fn (neither me).

> Alasdair


Krzysztof Blaszkowski

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