[dm-devel] [PATCH v3 0/8] dm: add request-based blk-mq support

Bart Van Assche bvanassche at acm.org
Fri Dec 19 14:32:52 UTC 2014

On 12/18/14 00:06, Mike Snitzer wrote:
> So if you know someone with relevant blk-mq hardware who might benefit
> from blk-mq multipathing please point them at this code and have them
> report back!

Hello Mike,

Great to see that you are working on blk-mq multipathing. Unfortunately
a test with the SRP initiator and your dm-for-3.20-blk-mq tree merged
with Linus' latest tree was not successful. This is what was reported
when I tried to start multipathd (without call trace, followed by a
hard lockup):

[ INFO: possible irq lock inversion dependency detected ]
3.18.0-debug+ #1 Tainted: G        W     
kdmwork-253:0/5347 just changed the state of lock:
 (&(&m->lock)->rlock){+.....}, at: [<ffffffffa080eb80>] __multipath_map.isra.15+0x40/0x1f0 [dm_multipath]
but this lock was taken by another, HARDIRQ-safe lock in the past:
and interrupts could create inverse lock ordering between them.
other info that might help us debug this:
 Possible interrupt unsafe locking scenario:

This is how objdump translates the assembler code of the above kernel address (0x1b80 below):

static int __multipath_map(struct dm_target *ti, struct request *clone,
    1b62:       48 89 55 c8             mov    %rdx,-0x38(%rbp)
    1b66:       4c 89 45 c0             mov    %r8,-0x40(%rbp)
                           union map_info *map_context,
                           struct request *rq, struct request **__clone)
        struct multipath *m = (struct multipath *) ti->private;
        int r = DM_MAPIO_REQUEUE;
        size_t nr_bytes = clone ? blk_rq_bytes(clone) : blk_rq_bytes(rq);
    1b6a:       0f 84 50 01 00 00       je     1cc0 <__multipath_map.isra.15+0x180>
    1b70:       44 8b 66 5c             mov    0x5c(%rsi),%r12d
        raw_spin_lock_init(&(_lock)->rlock);            \
} while (0)

static inline void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock)
    1b74:       49 8d 5e 28             lea    0x28(%r14),%rbx
    1b78:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
    1b7b:       e8 00 00 00 00          callq  1b80 <__multipath_map.isra.15+0x40>
        struct dm_mpath_io *mpio;


        /* Do we need to select a new pgpath? */
        if (!m->current_pgpath ||
    1b80:       49 8b 8e d0 00 00 00    mov    0xd0(%r14),%rcx
    1b87:       48 85 c9                test   %rcx,%rcx
    1b8a:       74 55                   je     1be1 <__multipath_map.isra.15+0xa1>
            (!m->queue_io && (m->repeat_count && --m->repeat_count == 0)))
    1b8c:       41 0f b6 96 ec 00 00    movzbl 0xec(%r14),%edx


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