[dm-devel] LPC2015: File and Storage Systems uconf

Darrick J. Wong darrick.wong at oracle.com
Fri Apr 3 18:28:25 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

Linux Plumbers is coming up in just four months!  I would like for there to be
a file & storage miniconf at this year's LPC, so I've started assembling a plan
for what we might discuss.  As a starting point, I've filled the planning page
with the topics that didn't achieve any sort of resolution at LSF/MM:


There are undoubtedly things that I missed in my initial list, and it would be
very helpful to figure out who's going.

If you'd like to visit Seattle in mid-August (I promise it probably won't be
raining!) and/or have a topic that you'd like to talk about that I missed,
I'd appreciate it if you wrote it into the wiki page.



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