[dm-devel] [PATCH] block: add a bi_error field to struct bio

Martin K. Petersen martin.petersen at oracle.com
Thu Jun 4 09:53:43 UTC 2015

>>>>> "Christoph" == Christoph Hellwig <hch at lst.de> writes:

Christoph> The first one has the drawback of only communicating a single
Christoph> possible error (-EIO), and the second one has the drawback of
Christoph> not beeing persistent when bios are queued up, and are not
Christoph> passed along from child to parent bio in the ever more
Christoph> popular chaining scenario.

Christoph> So add a new bi_error field to store an errno value directly
Christoph> in struct bio and remove the existing mechanisms to clean all
Christoph> this up.

Having the error status separate from the bio has been a major headache.
I am entirely in favor of this patch.

It was a big chunk of changes to read through but I did not spot any
obvious problems or polarity reversals. It would be nice to get the
respective fs/md/target driver folks to check their portions, though.

Reviewed-by: Martin K. Petersen <martin.petersen at oracle.com>

Martin K. Petersen	Oracle Linux Engineering

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