[dm-devel] How can need dm use limits.max_hw_sectors from the bdev?

Eric Wheeler dm-devel at lists.ewheeler.net
Sun Jan 17 06:34:25 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I'm writing a trivial dm target and hitting errors like this:
   io too big device loop0 (2048 > 255)

which looks like the problem described here:

and is is consistent:
	cat /sys/block/loop0/queue/max_hw_sectors_kb 
	# cat /sys/block/dm-4/queue/max_hw_sectors_kb 

By tracing from sysfs it looks like I need to do something like this when 
called from the target constructor (dm_ctr_fn target_type.ctr) function:

    target->table->md->queue->limits.max_hw_sectors =

but I cannot because `struct md` and `struct mapped_device` are opaque
which makes me think there is a better (correct) way to do this.  Is there a way
to change my target device's max_hw_sectors value to 127?

Is there some other generic solution?

Would late bio splitting solve this?


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