[dm-devel] Question about merge performance

Zdenek Kabelac zkabelac at redhat.com
Fri Mar 24 09:43:24 UTC 2017

Dne 24.3.2017 v 03:29 Michael McCarthy napsal(a):
> I appreciate the insight. Are there any plans to enhance the code to allow
> more parallel execution and/or allow users to experiment with QD?

Nope there are no plans to enhance old snapshot target - it would essentially 
means to write completely new version of it - as the metadata format is in 
general not enhancable.

Also you should be aware the whole development is focused on 
thin-provisioning, where all this snapshotting & merging as way more efficient.

So old-snapshot should be used in couple 'corner' cases where it does make
sense and user eventually need to pay penalty in terms of performance and
if user needs 'speed' he should look at thin provisioning, where he also 
automatically get  things like snapshot of snapshots and so on....



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