[dm-devel] [PATCH 09/11] libmultipath: add linker version script

mwilck at suse.com mwilck at suse.com
Thu Sep 24 13:36:42 UTC 2020

From: Martin Wilck <mwilck at suse.com>

This version script documents the current ABI of libmultipath,
as used by multipath, multipathd, (lib)mpathpersist, and the
dynamically loaded libraries (prioritizers, checkers, and foreign).

This reduces the amount of exported symbols of libmultipath.so.0
by more than a half (199 vs. 434).
 libmultipath/Makefile             |   7 +-
 libmultipath/libmultipath.version | 215 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libmultipath/libmultipath.version

diff --git a/libmultipath/Makefile b/libmultipath/Makefile
index cf13561..bfc7263 100644
--- a/libmultipath/Makefile
+++ b/libmultipath/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ include ../Makefile.inc
 DEVLIB = libmultipath.so
+VERSION_SCRIPT := libmultipath.version
 CFLAGS += $(LIB_CFLAGS) -I$(mpathcmddir) -I$(mpathpersistdir) -I$(nvmedir)
@@ -68,8 +69,10 @@ nvme-ioctl.c: nvme/nvme-ioctl.c
 nvme-ioctl.h: nvme/nvme-ioctl.h
 	$(call make_static,$<,$@)
-$(LIBS): $(OBJS)
-	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(SHARED_FLAGS) -Wl,-soname=$@ -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBDEPS)
+	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(SHARED_FLAGS) -Wl,-soname=$@ \
+		-Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBDEPS)
 	$(LN) $(LIBS) $@
diff --git a/libmultipath/libmultipath.version b/libmultipath/libmultipath.version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ac0e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmultipath/libmultipath.version
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+	/* symbols referenced by multipath and multipathd */
+	add_foreign;
+	add_map_with_path;
+	adopt_paths;
+	alloc_multipath;
+	alloc_path;
+	alloc_path_with_pathinfo;
+	alloc_strvec;
+	change_foreign;
+	check_alias_settings;
+	checker_clear_message;
+	checker_disable;
+	checker_enable;
+	checker_is_sync;
+	checker_message;
+	checker_name;
+	checker_state_name;
+	check_foreign;
+	cleanup_checkers;
+	cleanup_foreign;
+	cleanup_lock;
+	cleanup_prio;
+	close_fd;
+	coalesce_paths;
+	convert_dev;
+	count_active_paths;
+	delete_all_foreign;
+	delete_foreign;
+	disassemble_map;
+	disassemble_status;
+	dlog;
+	dm_cancel_deferred_remove;
+	dm_drv_version;
+	dm_enablegroup;
+	dm_fail_path;
+	_dm_flush_map;
+	dm_flush_map_nopaths;
+	dm_flush_maps;
+	dm_geteventnr;
+	dm_get_info;
+	dm_get_major_minor;
+	dm_get_map;
+	dm_get_maps;
+	dm_get_multipath;
+	dm_get_status;
+	dm_get_uuid;
+	dm_is_mpath;
+	dm_mapname;
+	dm_map_present;
+	dm_queue_if_no_path;
+	dm_reassign;
+	dm_reinstate_path;
+	dm_simplecmd_noflush;
+	dm_switchgroup;
+	dm_tgt_version;
+	domap;
+	ensure_directories_exist;
+	extract_hwe_from_path;
+	filter_devnode;
+	filter_path;
+	filter_wwid;
+	find_mp_by_alias;
+	find_mp_by_minor;
+	find_mp_by_str;
+	find_mp_by_wwid;
+	find_mpe;
+	find_path_by_dev;
+	find_path_by_devt;
+	find_slot;
+	foreign_multipath_layout;
+	foreign_path_layout;
+	free_config;
+	free_multipath;
+	free_multipathvec;
+	free_path;
+	free_pathvec;
+	free_strvec;
+	get_monotonic_time;
+	get_multipath_layout;
+	get_path_layout;
+	get_pgpolicy_id;
+	get_refwwid;
+	get_state;
+	get_udev_device;
+	get_uid;
+	get_used_hwes;
+	group_by_prio;
+	init_checkers;
+	init_foreign;
+	init_prio;
+	io_err_stat_attr;
+	io_err_stat_handle_pathfail;
+	is_path_valid;
+	is_quote;
+	libmp_dm_task_create;
+	libmp_udev_set_sync_support;
+	load_config;
+	log_thread_reset;
+	log_thread_start;
+	log_thread_stop;
+	need_io_err_check;
+	normalize_timespec;
+	orphan_path;
+	orphan_paths;
+	parse_prkey_flags;
+	pathcount;
+	path_discovery;
+	path_get_tpgs;
+	pathinfo;
+	path_offline;
+	print_all_paths;
+	print_foreign_topology;
+	_print_multipath_topology;
+	pthread_cond_init_mono;
+	recv_packet;
+	recv_packet_from_client;
+	reinstate_paths;
+	remember_wwid;
+	remove_map;
+	remove_map_by_alias;
+	remove_maps;
+	remove_wwid;
+	replace_wwids;
+	reset_checker_classes;
+	select_all_tg_pt;
+	select_action;
+	select_find_multipaths_timeout;
+	select_no_path_retry;
+	select_path_group;
+	select_reservation_key;
+	send_packet;
+	set_max_fds;
+	__set_no_path_retry;
+	set_path_removed;
+	set_prkey;
+	setup_map;
+	setup_thread_attr;
+	should_multipath;
+	snprint_blacklist_report;
+	snprint_config;
+	snprint_devices;
+	snprint_foreign_multipaths;
+	snprint_foreign_paths;
+	snprint_foreign_topology;
+	_snprint_multipath;
+	snprint_multipath_header;
+	snprint_multipath_map_json;
+	_snprint_multipath_topology;
+	snprint_multipath_topology_json;
+	_snprint_path;
+	snprint_path_header;
+	snprint_status;
+	snprint_wildcards;
+	stop_io_err_stat_thread;
+	store_path;
+	store_pathinfo;
+	strchop;
+	strlcpy;
+	sync_map_state;
+	sysfs_attr_set_value;
+	sysfs_get_size;
+	sysfs_is_multipathed;
+	timespecsub;
+	trigger_paths_udev_change;
+	uevent_dispatch;
+	uevent_get_dm_str;
+	uevent_get_env_positive_int;
+	uevent_is_mpath;
+	uevent_listen;
+	update_mpp_paths;
+	update_multipath_status;
+	update_multipath_strings;
+	update_multipath_table;
+	update_pathvec_from_dm;
+	update_queue_mode_add_path;
+	update_queue_mode_del_path;
+	ux_socket_listen;
+	valid_alias;
+	vector_alloc;
+	vector_alloc_slot;
+	vector_del_slot;
+	vector_free;
+	vector_reset;
+	vector_set_slot;
+	verify_paths;
+	/* checkers */
+	sg_read;
+	/* prioritizers */
+	get_asymmetric_access_state;
+	get_prio_timeout;
+	get_target_port_group;
+	get_target_port_group_support;
+	libmp_nvme_ana_log;
+	libmp_nvme_get_nsid;
+	libmp_nvme_identify_ns;
+	log_nvme_errcode;
+	nvme_id_ctrl_ana;
+	snprint_host_wwnn;
+	snprint_host_wwpn;
+	snprint_path_serial;
+	snprint_tgt_wwnn;
+	snprint_tgt_wwpn;
+	sysfs_get_asymmetric_access_state;
+	/* foreign */
+	free_scandir_result;
+	sysfs_attr_get_value;
+	*;

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