[dm-devel] [BUG Report] -EIO error when reloading table

JeffleXu jefflexu at linux.alibaba.com
Thu Jan 21 12:14:33 UTC 2021

Hi, Mike,

I got "attempt to access beyond end of device
dm-0: rw=0, want=3129056, limit=2097152" error when I was reloading the
table of dm-0, while there's a background **direct** IO on dm-0 (no fs
on it, i.e., just raw device) meanwhile.

It seems that it fails bio_check_eod() in submit_bio().

But when I formatted one ext4 filesystem on dm-0, and the background IO
pressure is redirected to one file inside the ext4 filesystem, I didn't
encounter this error anymore when I reload dm-0. I think it's because
the filesystem gets frozen since lock_fs() in __dm_suspend().

So is this a known issue?


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