[edk2-devel] Multithreaded compression with LZMA2

Daniel Schaefer daniel.schaefer at hpe.com
Wed Dec 2 02:59:45 UTC 2020

Hi everyone,

I'm looking into how to speed up the build process and noticed that our build
uses LZMA to encrypt the main firmware volume. Since it's quite big it takes a
while but only uses one CPU thread.

LZMA2 is a version of LZMA which can be multi-threaded and achieve much faster
compression times. I did a quick benchmark using the `xz` command-line tool,
which uses a modified version of the LZMA SDK that EDK2 uses. The results are:

Uncompressed size: 64M

| Algo  | Comp Time | Decomp Time | Size | Threads |
| ----- | --------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| LZMA  |    19.67s |        0.9s | 9.1M |       1 |
| LZMA2 |    20.11s |        1.2s | 9.2M |       1 |
| LZMA2 |     8.31s |        1.0s | 9.4M |       4 |

Using those commands:

time xz --format=lzma testfile
time unlzma testfile.lzma

time xz --lzma2 testfile
time unxz testfile.xz

time xz -T4 --lzma2 testfile
time unxz testfile.xz

This is quite a significant improvement of build time, while decompression time
and size only slightly increase. If that's a concern, then LZMA2 could be used
for development only.

I haven't investigated the details of how to support this in the code but it
appears to be a simple change, since the LZMA SDK that we use already supports

What do you think?


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