[edk2-devel] [PATCH 1/2] OvmfPkg: start using the ECC plugin exception list

Sean spbrogan at outlook.com
Tue Dec 8 18:45:35 UTC 2020


Trying to understand this.

On 12/7/2020 5:56 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> ... I would still much prefer of course if that patch (= the exception
> to GuidCheck) could simply be included in James's series.

The PR based CI runs on the entire series.  It does not run on 
individual commits and thus you can add this to the series and in fact i 
would suggest it get added to the series.  Any changes in the series 
will take effect when running the CI.

This is great for how Project Mu uses "PR gates" because we squash merge 
but in Edk2 with a patch series this can mean that commits in the middle 
can break things.  It is on developer and reviewer to catch those types 
of things.

For this case why can't this change be part of the commit that 
introduces the guid/global?

Or if that is undesirable you should be able to add the ignore in a 
commit prior to introduction and then you would never have a break. 
Either way there is no reason this isn't part of a single series.


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