[edk2-devel] RFC: Adding support for ARM (RNDR etc.) to RngDxe

Rebecca Cran rebecca at nuviainc.com
Wed Dec 9 04:32:33 UTC 2020

Currently, RngDxe in SecurityPkg only supports Intel, with RdRand support.

This RFC is to start a discussion about adding support for ARM.

I have a Git branch with support for the optional ARMv8.5 RNDR 
instruction at https://github.com/bcran/edk2/commits/bcran-rndr which 
moves the existing Intel support into a Rand directory, and adds code to 
support RNDR in a new AArch64 directory.

There are other RNG implementations available for ARM, including 
platform-specific approaches on Graviton 
(https://lwn.net/Articles/790304/) and other platforms, so a more 
thorough rearchitecting/redesign may be desired.

Rebecca Cran

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