[edk2-devel] [PATCH v2 1/2] MdePkg/Cpuid.h: Add CPUID_HYBRID_INFORMATION Leaf(1Ah).

Ni, Ray ray.ni at intel.com
Thu Dec 10 00:53:20 UTC 2020

> +#define CPUID_HYBRID_INFORMATION_SUB_LEAF                               0x00
1. At first, I thought there is no need for a definition of xxx_SUB_LEAF. Later when
I checked the SDM, I found it says, "Hybrid Information Enumeration Leaf (EAX = 1AH, ECX = 0)".
It seems that maybe ECX=1 will be introduced in future.

But with this macro name, it's hard to choose the name for ECX=1.
So, I suggest changing the macro name to 
+#define CPUID_HYBRID_INFORMATION_MAIN_LEAF                               0x00

2. Change to _xxx_MAIN_LEAF

> +    UINT32  CoreType:8;
3. Please define macros for core types: Intel Atom, Intel Core.

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