[edk2-devel] [PATCH v5 0/2] CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add native instruction support for X64

Laszlo Ersek lersek at redhat.com
Tue Nov 10 12:31:11 UTC 2020

On 11/07/20 03:24, Yao, Jiewen wrote:
> The reason we choose NASM is that we can use same assembly in windows build and Linux build. However if this NASM cannot be used in Linux, then the benefit does not exist any more. You can generate GAS to support GCC build, and check in .S file. 

I disagree with this idea. To me (as an exclusive GCC user), uniformity
of assembly files is *much* more important than getting native
instruction support in OpenSSL with all toolchains at the exact same time.

If we enable native instruction support for (a) VS and CLANGPDB now, and
(b) for GCC later, then that's two steps, with each step being in the
forward direction. Performing just (a) for now creates no technical
debt. A feature gap is not technical debt; you cannot mistake a missing
feature for a working feature.

If we re-add .S files now, for whatever purpose, that's a step *back*,
however. It creates technical debt. A working feature on an invalid
basis *can* be mistaken for a working feature, and we shouldn't do that
(unless there are strong business needs for some participants, *AND* we
have a *very specific* plan and timeline for backing out the hack). I
really don't have any trust in technical debt being "paid" in edk2
anytime soon, though.


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