[edk2-devel] [PATCH 1/1] OvmfPkg/Bhyve: Copy Real16ToFlat32.asm and enable cache in CR0

Rebecca Cran rebecca at bsdio.com
Mon Nov 23 06:15:59 UTC 2020

Copy UefiCpuPkg/ResetVector/Vtf0/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm to
OvmfPkg/Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16, with one change, as has also been
made in XenResetVector:

  - SEC_DEFAULT_CR0: enable cache (bit 30 or CD set to 0)

With the CD bit set to 1, this has the downside on AMD systems of
actually running with the cache disabled, which slows the entire system
to a crawl.
There's no need for this bit to be set in virtualized

This patch reapplies the change from the freebsd uefi-edk2 repo at

Signed-off-by: Rebecca Cran <rebecca at bsdio.com>
 .../Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm | 142 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 OvmfPkg/Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm

diff --git a/OvmfPkg/Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm b/OvmfPkg/Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe377ac842f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OvmfPkg/Bhyve/ResetVector/Ia16/Real16ToFlat32.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+; @file
+; Transition from 16 bit real mode into 32 bit flat protected mode
+; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+%define SEC_DEFAULT_CR0  0x00000023
+%define SEC_DEFAULT_CR4  0x640
+BITS    16
+; Modified:  EAX, EBX
+; @param[out]     DS       Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
+; @param[out]     ES       Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
+; @param[out]     FS       Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
+; @param[out]     GS       Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
+; @param[out]     SS       Selector allowing flat access to all addresses
+    debugShowPostCode POSTCODE_16BIT_MODE
+    cli
+    mov     bx, 0xf000
+    mov     ds, bx
+    mov     bx, ADDR16_OF(gdtr)
+o32 lgdt    [cs:bx]
+    mov     eax, SEC_DEFAULT_CR0
+    mov     cr0, eax
+    jmp     LINEAR_CODE_SEL:dword ADDR_OF(jumpTo32BitAndLandHere)
+BITS    32
+    mov     eax, SEC_DEFAULT_CR4
+    mov     cr4, eax
+    debugShowPostCode POSTCODE_32BIT_MODE
+    mov     ax, LINEAR_SEL
+    mov     ds, ax
+    mov     es, ax
+    mov     fs, ax
+    mov     gs, ax
+    mov     ss, ax
+    OneTimeCallRet TransitionFromReal16To32BitFlat
+ALIGN   2
+    dw      GDT_END - GDT_BASE - 1   ; GDT limit
+    dd      ADDR_OF(GDT_BASE)
+ALIGN   16
+; Macros for GDT entries
+%define  PRESENT_FLAG(p) (p << 7)
+%define  DPL(dpl) (dpl << 5)
+%define  SYSTEM_FLAG(s) (s << 4)
+%define  DESC_TYPE(t) (t)
+; Type: data, expand-up, writable, accessed
+%define  DATA32_TYPE 3
+; Type: execute, readable, expand-up, accessed
+%define  CODE32_TYPE 0xb
+; Type: execute, readable, expand-up, accessed
+%define  CODE64_TYPE 0xb
+%define  GRANULARITY_FLAG(g) (g << 7)
+%define  DEFAULT_SIZE32(d) (d << 6)
+%define  CODE64_FLAG(l) (l << 5)
+%define  UPPER_LIMIT(l) (l)
+; The Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
+; null descriptor
+NULL_SEL            equ $-GDT_BASE
+    DW      0            ; limit 15:0
+    DW      0            ; base 15:0
+    DB      0            ; base 23:16
+    DB      0            ; sys flag, dpl, type
+    DB      0            ; limit 19:16, flags
+    DB      0            ; base 31:24
+; linear data segment descriptor
+LINEAR_SEL          equ $-GDT_BASE
+    DW      0xffff       ; limit 15:0
+    DW      0            ; base 15:0
+    DB      0            ; base 23:16
+    DB      0            ; base 31:24
+; linear code segment descriptor
+    DW      0xffff       ; limit 15:0
+    DW      0            ; base 15:0
+    DB      0            ; base 23:16
+    DB      0            ; base 31:24
+%ifdef ARCH_X64
+; linear code (64-bit) segment descriptor
+    DW      0xffff       ; limit 15:0
+    DW      0            ; base 15:0
+    DB      0            ; base 23:16
+    DB      0            ; base 31:24
+; linear code segment descriptor
+    DW      0xffff       ; limit 15:0
+    DW      0            ; base 15:0
+    DB      0            ; base 23:16
+    DB      0            ; base 31:24

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