[edk2-devel] [PATCH v1 1/1] BaseTools: Align include guards policy

PierreGondois pierre.gondois at arm.com
Mon Jan 25 15:56:46 UTC 2021

Please consider that currently, a vast majority of include guards have one or two leading underscore (such as __INCLUDE_FILE_H_) and are not respecting the edk2 coding standard. This patch will raise many Ecc errors in the CI. They should however not break it. Indeed, the Ecc errors should only reject a patch if it modifies a line having an Ecc error. This means that:
- merging this patch should not break all the CI jobs
- modifying a header file that has a bad include guard will make the CI prevent the patch from being merged
- any newly created header file will trigger the new check and ask for a correction
- any modification of a bad include guard will trigger the new check and ask for a correction


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