[EnMasse] First setup and usage of enmasse

Bob Claerhout bob.claerhout at aloxy.io
Mon Dec 17 12:51:22 UTC 2018

Hi Ulf and Rob,

Thanks for the quick response. I'll try to figure it out using the given information.

To answer your question regarding which Openshift version I'm currently using, the "oc version" command results in:

    oc v3.11.0+62803d0-1
    kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0
    features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO

    Server https://[domain]:8443
    openshift v3.11.0+8de5c34-71
    kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0

Kind regards,


On 12/17/18 1:16 PM, Ulf Lilleengen wrote:

Hi Bob,

Some comments inline.

On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 1:12 PM Rob Godfrey <rgodfrey at redhat.com<mailto:rgodfrey at redhat.com>> wrote:
Hi Bob,

On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 12:24, Bob Claerhout <bob.claerhout at aloxy.io<mailto:bob.claerhout at aloxy.io>> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to kubernetes/openshift and enmasse so hopefully I'm not asking silly questions. However, I can't seem to find proper documentation on how to setup the current version of enmasse(0.24.1). My ultimate goal is to have hono<https://www.eclipse.org/hono/> communicate with some custom backend processing after which ditto<https://www.eclipse.org/ditto/> keeps the digital twin. For your information, I've installed openshift by following this youtube video<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkFIozGY0IA>.

I've tried following steps:

  *   The hono documentation<https://www.eclipse.org/hono/deployment/openshift/> to deploy hono in combination with enmasse is outdated since it uses enmasse version 0.20.0.
  *   When I go to the design docs<https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/tree/master/documentation/design_docs> of enmasse I find 2 links:
     *   Getting Started<https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/blob/master/documentation/design_docs/getting-started/README.adoc> -> Does not exist
     *   Service Catalog<https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/blob/master/documentation/design_docs/servicecatalog/README.adoc> -> Uses a deploy.sh script which is no longer available in release 0.24.1.
  *   I don't know why, but the enmasse workshop<https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse-workshop/> didn't work for me. The project does not appear after running the playbook.
  *   I managed to install enmasse via the documentation on enmasse.io<http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.24.1/openshift/> but didn't find any information on how other micro-services (sometimes in other projects/namespaces) could connect to the enmasse instance. The main issue with this is that a dynamic service name is generated when a address space is generated.

It's hard to find one reliable source to get information from. Maybe I'm not looing at the right place or making huge mistakes without knowing.

Apologies at the state of some of the documentation,  in general for EnMasse always start with the docs you can find at http://enmasse.io/ ... the "design_docs" directory in the repo is (I'm afraid) a bit of a dumping ground for old potentially out-of-date information which may still have some value that can be extracted for creating our product documentation.

For you, installing Hono and EnMasse together on OpenShift, I think your best path may be to follow the guide here: https://www.eclipse.org/hono/deployment/openshift_s2i/ which should give a comprehensive guide for this integration.

+1  to using the openshift_s2i for getting hono + enmasse running. Adding some additional comments on installing EnMasse itself:

The most accurate and up2date source of documentation for installing EnMasse is http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.24.1/openshift/  .  Specifically the getting started guide comes with a complete end 2 end example: http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.24.1/openshift/#quickstart-on-openshift-messaging-gs-okd

Here are some examples of finding the endpoint information for your client to connect to: http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.24.1/openshift/#example_address_space_status_output_2
You should be able to retrieve the dynamic service name from that output. If you're not able to do this kind of 'dynamic' discovery, you can set an annotation when you create the address space:

kind: AddressSpace
    enmasse.io/infraUuid<http://enmasse.io/infraUuid>: asdf

This will give you a predictable service endpoint.

Which version of OpenShift are you using?

Best regards,

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