[EnMasse] 0.20.0 released

Ulf Lilleengen lulf at redhat.com
Thu May 24 10:41:54 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I'm happy to announce the release of 0.20.0[1]. This release has several 
user-facing changes and other goodies:

* REST API now served by a new component, api-server, code moved from 
the old address-controller.  The intention is to have this act as a 
kubernetes API server, allowing custom resource support for address 
spaces and addresses. This is experimental at present and not ready for 
production use[2]. An example ansible inventory file that can be used 
with the ansible install procedure[3] is provided.

* REST API paths have changed in preparation for custom resources 
support. An API reference available at [4]. A short summary:

       * The `/apis/enmasse.io/v1` prefix has changed to 
`/apis/enmasse.io/v1alpha1` which better reflects the state of our APIs 
in terms of breaking changes.

       * Address spaces are now namespaced, which means that you can 
create address spaces with the same name in different namespaces. This 
means the path to address space resources are now 

       * The path `/apis/enmasse.io/v1/addresses` API has 'moved' to 

       * A new API under 
`/apis/enmasse/v1alpha1/namespaces/[:namespace]/addresses` have been 
introduced to support custom resources for addresses.

* address-controller renamed to address-space-controller

* Kubernetes and OpenShift resources/templates are no longer split into 
separate folders, but now categorized by component. This means that the 
different components like authentication service, address space 
controller, rest api etc. can be managed and upgraded individually if 
desired which simplifies operations in cases where you want more control.

* Performance improvements to handling large number of addresses in agent

* Removal of per-address resource limits in broker as there was a lower 
limit than expected on how many addresses and limit settings a broker 
could handle

* Bug fixes and enhancements to console, address space controller, agent 
and more

This release will have contributions from a record-breaking 9 
individuals! A big thanks to all people involved.

[2] https://github.com/EnMasseProject/enmasse/issues/1265
[3] http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.20.0/#installing_enmasse_using_ansible
[4] http://enmasse.io/documentation/0.20.0/#rest_api_reference

PS: Did I mention custom resources? This is how cool it is:

$ oc create -f space.yaml

addressspace "ulfspace" created
$ oc get addressspaces
NAME       AGE
ulfspace   37s

Best regards,


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