[EnMasse] New release 0.30.0 and multiple bugfix releases available

Ulf Lilleengen lulf at redhat.com
Tue Oct 29 14:59:57 UTC 2019

Hi all,

EnMasse 0.30.0 is released! Notable changes:
* Support for LoRaWAN and Sigfox IoT protocol adapters
* Upgrade to Apache ActiveMQ Artemis 2.10.1
* Upgrade to Apache Qpid Dispatch Router 1.9.0
* Support for connecting address spaces to external AMQP endpoints
(standard address space)
* Support for forwarding messages between external endpoints and local
queues (standard address space)
* Scripts for performing controlled rolling restart
* IoT operator automatically deployed when the IoTConfig is created
* Device registry authentication based on Kubernetes user

But wait, there is more!

Due to an issue with the Keycloak image used for the standard
authentication service being removed from Docker Hub, all versions from
0.26 to 0.29 have been released with a fix in the templates using a
different Keycloak image reference.

In addition, we have backported several fixes to 0.29:

* Api-server performance improvements (#3391)
* Log per-request latency and status code (#3339)
* Parallelize router query (#3305)
* Router status collection in a separate thread (#3300)
* Status check for router mesh connectivity (#3355)
* Filter router  entities in agent to avoid log error (#3311)

All release bundles can be found here:


Best regards,

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