We had a meeting...

Michael Stahnke mastahnke at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 21:43:48 UTC 2008

We talked a lot about Vendors getting into EPEL, and their Java
packages.   I don't think much was resolved.

We talked about the Dependency scripts, Kevin and I will continue to
work on them with mmcgrath.

We talked about moving the release dates for push from testing to
stable to the first of the month for both repos.  We all +1'ed it.

The movement from Plague to koji was touched upon, but I don't
remember the status.

We talked about the ability to include the open component of a RH
layered product.  Such as FreeIPA, spacewalk, etc.  This will need
more discussion as far as I can tell.

That's what I remember, if anybody has anything else, throw it on in.

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