pexepct is in RHEL and should be dropped from EPEL

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at
Fri Jan 23 10:56:52 UTC 2009

Mike McGrath wrote:
> This is nice and all but EPEL is compatable with RHEL, not the other way
> around.  We, unfortunately, have a one way relationship with RHEL.  They
> decide what goes into RHEL, not us.  It would be nice to have more open
> communcation about these things (I hope that is coming in the future) but
> still, they can decide whatever they want to.

I would definitely say that since they're in the business of making 
customers happy, not us, part of that responsibility is bumping release 
numbers, searching for higher nevra and communication with the EPEL 
maintainers, so that their customers remain happy (rather then confused 
between RHEL and EPEL packages).

It doesn't seem like it's all that much effort... I'm not sure what the 
retiring-a-package policy is on EPEL, but all I'd need is a notification 
in the line of "don't touch that package anymore". It happened for 
perl-Net-Telnet, I'm sure it'll happen again for other packages I maintain.

It doesn't seem like much effort, either, to give us a list of binary 
package names they will support, as soon as they hit freezes for RHEL 
5.X or Y.Z, or whenever it is they freeze the package list in a cycle.

I also think it's a reasonable request to make, but I'm sure this has 
been raised before... Have we ever actually ask them? If yes, what did 
they respond?

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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