"newer packages"

BJ Dierkes wdierkes at 5dollarwhitebox.org
Wed Sep 9 17:53:08 UTC 2009

On Sep 9, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Adam Miller wrote:
> Sounds to me that we don't need to duplicate efforts and that those
> interested can contribute to the IUS efforts. I know they aren't
> accepting packages from the community (yet) but interested parties can
> still send in patches and such or I assume a package request using
> their launchpad.net instance. Might even be able to expedite the
> process if a SPEC and SRPM are included ;)

Correct, at the moment we aren't opening up the 'buildfarm' we use for  
community use due to the fact that the project is so new and we want  
to have a chance to really iron out all the details before anyone can  
openly submit changes/packages.  Though I'm sure with demand we will  
want to get the project open to community packagers as soon as possible.

One I port all the documentation, it will say [somewhere] something to  
the effect of "we are attempting to keep the package list small and  
manageable.  We want to avoid disrupting the stability of RHEL as much  
as possible.. therefore only offering the most commonly requested  
packages.  I.e PHP/MySQL/PostGreSQL/Python/Etc...  and not a dozen  
different versions of net-snmp or other packages that are not as  
greatly needed worldwide."

> FAQ: http://iuscommunity.org/wp/?page_id=9
> Thanks Derks for the info, we actually just ran into a situation here
> at work today where I was going to have to roll my own MySQL 5.1.x and
> now I don't have to :)

That is great to hear!  Let us know if you have any problems with it:


Please note that we are taking a very specific stance on packaging  
(following upstream sources)...  and you'll find throughout the  
project that we are still promoting the use of EPEL and that IUS is  
not competing with EPEL or RPM Fusion or the like.  In fact our 'ius- 
release' package requires 'epel-release' because any dependencies will  
need to be resolved via RHEL or EPEL.  IUS is specifically replacing  
packages in RHEL, something that neither EPEL or RPM Fusion can due  
based on restrictions (as it should be).  This is done in two ways:   
By 'side-by-side' installs (such as the python26 package) and  
'replacement' installs... where you need to remove the RHEL package  
and replace it with the IUS package (mysql => mysql51).  The majority  
are replacement installs (everything bug python right now).



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