Meeting next wed? (2012-05-23 22:00 UTC)

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Thu May 17 21:30:50 UTC 2012


We haven't met in a while for various reasons, but it might be nice to
have a meeting next week since we have some things to discuss again. ;) 

So, I am going to propose 2012-05-23 at 22UTC. 

If enough folks that want to make it can't at this time, let me know
and we can move things. 

For topics: 

- Help getting broken deps reports working again. 

- Figure out how all we are currently overlapping with RHEL: 

	We are allowing packages that aren't shipped in 32bit, need to
	identify a exact list of them. 

	Figure out which other channels we conflict with and how. 

- Figure out plans for the above conflicts.

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