[et-mgmt-tools] [Cobbler] New feature -- Eliminating the need for that annoying "sync" command

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Fri Feb 2 23:46:24 UTC 2007

Previously cobbler was set up such that to apply any changes to the 
cobbler configuration to the server (i.e. to make it actually do 
anything) one had to run "cobbler sync" after any commands.  

In upstream code (mercurial, you can grab it now), the need for running 
sync is no more -- for most use cases.

For each "distro add", "profile add", or "system add" command -- plus 
the corresponding delete commands as well -- cobbler will now update the 
filesystem as they are run.    This enables changes to be made to one's 
provisioning environment without taking it offline for the usual 6-60 
seconds (depending on how many distro/profiles there are) it takes to 
run a sync.   

Unless you are making changes to the kickstart files or replacing 
kernel/initrd files, sync now only has to be run right after first 
install -- and never again.   

This feature is enabled by default -- though it can be turned off by 
setting minimize_syncs to 0 in /var/lib/cobbler/settings.   I don't know 
why anyone would want to turn it off, but I figured I'd make it possible.

Check it out if you like -- Feedback is welcomed.    This is slated for 
inclusion in 0.4.0.




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