[et-mgmt-tools] [Cobbler 0.3.6] mod_python piece of kickstart tracking busted for RHEL4U4, RHEL/Centos users please read.

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Thu Jan 25 23:55:05 UTC 2007

Michael DeHaan wrote:
> Hi folks,
> As I've just recently found out during testing, the kickstart tracking 
> in 0.3.6 apparently is incompatible with the Apache in RHEL4 U4.


This is now fixed, and I've already uploaded 0.3.8 to et.redhat.com and 
pushed it out to the mirrors.  

If you have 0.3.6 installed on RHEL4 or Centos 4, just delete 
"/etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler.conf" and re-run "cobbler sync" after the 
upgrade, and cobbler will take care of it.   

Hopefully no one is too confused, if so, ask me. 

Also, everyone will probably want to run a "cobbler sync" after the 
upgrade to get the new syslog parameters added to the install kernels 
automatically.  This will allow finer grained results from kickstart 
tracking, which is definitely a Good Thing (TM).   If you don't sync, 
nothing bad will happen, but you just won't get the improved kickstart 
tracking/logging until you do.


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