[et-mgmt-tools] Virt-Manager: Supporting additional para-virtual OS's

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Tue Nov 27 20:29:44 UTC 2007

Robert Nelson wrote:
> I spent some time reworking the virtinst code to support OpenSolaris and 
> make it much easier to support additional OSes.  I've attached the patch 
> file to get some feedback on the work so far.
> Unfortunately a bunch for the code from virtinst is duplicated in 
> virt-manager in the Add Device code.  This means either moving it back 
> to virtinst with the appropriate additional APIs or duplicating work in 
> virt-manager.

Hi Robert,

Could you take a couple paragraphs explaining exactly how you reorganized
everything? And also I think posting the patch to its own thread will get
it more attention.

One small thing before you repost: __init__.py had ::LOCALEDIR:: replaced
with /usr/share/locale. This shouldn't be hardcoded and is filled in as
appropriate at build time by setup.py.


Cole Robinson
crobinso at redhat.com

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