[Re: [et-mgmt-tools] Cobbler query (and now Xen too)]

Chris Sarginson chris.sarginson at ukfast.net
Thu Oct 4 16:19:36 UTC 2007

Michael DeHaan wrote:
> Currently yes, as I understand it the virtinst library will have PXE 
> support in a release soon (at least in F7/F8?), and at that point we can 
> do fullvirt.   Right now, since fullvirt installs require a disk image 
> for provisioning (they can't just be fed a kernel+initrd), we can only 
> do paravirt Xen.   However, KVM does allow this currently, so there
> we are doing hardware.     We should have something for Xen soon. 

OK, in that case I'll just run paravirtualised machines in the mean
time.  I'm sure the performance is supposed to be very similar between
paravirt + hardware virt - can anyone confirm?

>> 2) When not using the xen kernel to do the installation (which I can 
>> do if I create the VM manually) I get the following error:
>> xend.err "Error creating domain: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 
>> 'xc_dom_find_loader: no loader found
> Right... for paravirt Xen you have to use a kernel with "xen" in it.

Yeah, thought so, just making sure that when using Xen it was *only*
paravirtualised - hence I tried the non-xen kernel

>> 3) When using the xen kernel to start the VM I get the following error:
>> xend.err "Boot loader didn't return any data!
> I'm not sure what that is, actually.   We'd need the logs from 
> /var/log/xen/xend.log to see for sure.     There may also be some 
> relevant logs in ~/.koan

Attached is a snip from my xend.log.  The issue is actually caused by
the following error initially I suspect:

[2007-10-04 17:05:44 2504] DEBUG (XendDomain:960) Creating new managed 
domain: vps3
[2007-10-04 17:05:48 2504] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:1114) Domain has 
crashed: name=vps3 id=19.
[2007-10-04 17:05:48 2504] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1709) 
XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=19

I then get the original error i mentioned when i try to start the domain 

>> 4) Are there plans to further expand cobbler to allow you to select 
>> the number of virtual CPU's available?
> That's easy to do, and there was a patch for it at some point -- which I 
> believe got lost in the shuffle.   I'll add it.
> RFE filled so I don't forget:  
> https://hosted.fedoraproject.org/projects/cobbler/ticket/27 :)

Excellent, thanks for that :)  Will this be rolled out to the Fedora 7 
repos, or is it probably going to be more of an 8 thing?

Are you actually on holiday and working btw Michael?  If so, even more 
thanks are in order.

Kind regards

Chris Sarginson
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