[et-mgmt-tools] cobbler kickstart does not pull in the http: ks file?

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Fri Apr 4 15:49:03 UTC 2008

Alex Chekholko wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:42:31 -0700
> "Terry McIntyre" <terry.mcintyre at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've been trying to get a kickstart working with cobbler for a while,
>> and it just isn't working. I am totally missing something, but what?
>> The target system: IBM  x3850 M/T 8864
>> Trying to install RHEL 4.4
> Does this machine have multiple NICs?  What happens if you disable all
> but one?  
> I had a similar problem, and that was my solution, documented here:
> http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/258002348831
> HTH,

Cobbler makes this pretty easy now -- so you can set it up to PXE off 
either interface. You can add multiple NICs to your system records. I 
originally added this for creating dual-homed virtual machines, but it 
works just as well to help PXE physical boxes.

cobbler system add --name=demobox --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:EE 
cobbler system edit --name=demobox --interface=1 --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

The first edit applies to interface 0 (the default), and in the second 
invocation, we are editing interface 1. There is no actual correlation
between the numbers and the "eth0/eth1" numbers you'll get later ... 
it's the MAC that matters.

The only catch here is that if you need to edit them one at a time (this 
was done to keep the command line parser simple) and if you add one
too many, you can only delete them through the web interface.

Using multiple interfaces is actually a a lot easier to visualize when 
using the WebUI, so I recommend taking a look at that.


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