[et-mgmt-tools] Changing items in /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/{MACADDRESS}

Sandor W. Sklar ssklar at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 2 01:35:00 UTC 2008

We've got a bunch of Sun X4200 M2 systems, and on these systems, the  
device physically labeled "NET0" actually comes up as eth2, when  
booted from any RH-like operating system.

My problem is I can't determine a way of changing this value in the / 
tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/MA:CA:DD:RE:SS file that gets generated by  
cobbler.  I wind up with an entry like ...

	append ksdevice=eth0 lang=  console=ttyS0,9600n8 text  
syslog=xxxxx.xxxx.xxx:25150 kssendmac  initrd=/images/rhel5Server- 
x86_64/initrd.img ks=http://xxxxx.xxxx.xxx/cblr/kickstarts_sys/xxxxx.xxx.xxx/ks.cfg

I don't want to change the "default" file in there, because for most  
of my systems, eth0 is the right device.  I tried setting -- 
kopts="ksdevice=eth2" but that didn't make a difference in the  
pxelinux.cfg/... file.

Am I missing something obvious?  Thanks,


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