[et-mgmt-tools] Announcing oVirt

Hugh O. Brock hbrock at redhat.com
Thu Feb 14 22:04:56 UTC 2008

Announcing oVirt

It is my pleasure to announce oVirt, the next step in open virtual
machine management.

oVirt is:

    * A small OS image that runs libvirt and hosts virtual machines 
    * A Web-based virtual machine management console

oVirt goals:

    * Empower virtual machine owners without giving up control of
    * Automate virtual machine clustering, load balancing, and SLA
    * Simplify management of large numbers of machines
    * Work across platforms and architectures

oVirt uses:

    * A kerberos/LDAP server for authentication and authorization
      (oVirt ships with FreeIPA)
    * DNS/DHCP services on the local LAN -- or provides them for oVirt
      hosts over a private network if desired
    * Libvirt for virtual machine management, storage management, and
      secure remote communication
    * collectd for stats gathering and monitoring
    * Rails for rapid, flexible development

oVirt mailing list: http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/ovirt-devel
oVirt IRC: irc.freenode.net/#ovirt
oVirt website: http://ovirt.org

We encourage anyone interested to download the source (git clone
git://git.et.redhat.com/ovirt) or the prebuilt appliance
(http://ovirt.org/download). Let us know what you think!

--Hugh Brock
hbrock at redhat.com

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