[et-mgmt-tools] strange virt-install/koan issue

Brenton Leanhardt bleanhar at redhat.com
Wed Jul 16 00:05:16 UTC 2008

I've recently upgraded a machine to F9 (fresh install) and I'm hitting
a strange virt-install/koan issue.  The machine is i386 and HVM is
enabled in the BIOS.

Running "virt-install" with no arguments yields: "Unsupported
virtualization type".  Running with the "--hvm" flag works as
expected.  In the past virt-install had always done the right thing
whenever KVM was the only option.

The only reason I suspect my koan problem is related is simply because
of the error message, and that koan uses virt-install.  The Virt host
is running F9 with KVM.  Here is the output from koan:

koan -s [my cobbler server] --virt --virt-type=qemu
--virt-path=/images --profile Fedora9-i386  --virt-name=bleanhar1-koan
--virt-bridge=br0       - reading URL:
libvirtd (pid 2897) is running...
- using qemu hypervisor, type=kvm
- adding disk: /images/bleanhar1-koan-disk0 of size 5
libvir: QEMU error : Domain not found
libvir: QEMU error : Domain not found
libvir: QEMU error : internal error unsupported architecture 
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/virtinst/Guest.py", line
866, in _do_install
     self.domain = self.conn.createLinux(install_xml, 0)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 841, in
     if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateLinux() failed',

Any thoughts on what could cause the "Unsupported virtualization type"
and the "unsupported architecture" errors?  I've already triple
checked that the guest being installed is i386 and that "virt-install
--hvm" actually works.


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