[et-mgmt-tools] Enable/Disable netboot for whole profile

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Mon Jun 9 15:03:39 UTC 2008

> What you would recommend as the best way to turn on or off the 
> enable-netboot setting for systems assigned to a certain profile.

Ideally we'd run a non-existant command like this:

cobbler system find --profile=foo | xargs cobbler system edit 

But wait, we can't do that yet!   That's on my nice-to-have list 
though.    Thankfully you can do this pretty quickly now with a Python 

import cobbler.api as capi
api = capi.BootAPI()
systems = api.find_system(profile="parent-name-goes-here",return_list=True)
for s in systems:
    api.add_system(s)  # save it after changing it

Hopefully that gets a few more people interested in the Cobbler API too :)


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