[et-mgmt-tools] [PATCH] cobbler buildiso add --systems option and fix --profiles selection.

Michael DeHaan mdehaan at redhat.com
Tue Jun 24 16:31:08 UTC 2008

Joseph Boyer Jr. wrote:
> Hello there...
> I have made some updates to the updates that Dave H had made to the action_buildiso.py.
> Here is the list of my updates: (P.S. I am new to python so if my coding sucks, please bear with me)
> 1. reordered the build iso menu so that systems are first.
How about second with a seperator between the profiles and the systems, 
or otherwise a 2-level menu that lets you pick first "profiles" or 
> 2. Did not understand why we rely on DHCP when you have a "System". So I have added the networking information to the kernel line for systems, thus eliminating the need for DHCP. (This is what I needed in the boot iso).
This sounds good.

> 3. Update the copy initrd and kernel so that only the initrd and kernel for the systems listed are copied. (did not see any need to have a huge boot iso, if you have many distros, and wanted to keep it as small as possible.)

Also sounds good.
> 4. The boot menu will only list systems if --system is given on the cmdline. By default bootiso will build the boot menu for all profiles list in cobbler.

Also also good.

If you can resubmit this as a patch I'll review and apply it.   

git-format-patch and git-send-email work really well for this.


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