[et-mgmt-tools] [PATCH] fix zone config matching and minimize the number of zone files generated

John Eckersberg jeckersb at redhat.com
Fri May 9 12:46:56 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


This fixes a few problems that I ran into as I sat down and actually
started deploying my own feature :)

Previously manage_forward_zones and manage_reverse_zones were optional
and were supposed to restrict the zone files generated.  Except it
didn't really work all that well.  For example...

If my settings looked like this:

~    - 'foo.example.com'

Only hosts that matched 'hostname.foo.example.com' would go into the
zone.  If you had hostname.subdomain.foo.example.com it would not match.

Furthermore if you did not specify manage_forward_zones then it would
take every host, chop the hostname off the front and create a zone file
for the remainder of the FQDN.  As I started to use it I realized the
number of zone files was quickly getting unmanageable.  I have other
nameservers to configure as slaves for these zones and I was needing to
update them everytime somebody invented a new subdomain (which around
here is about every 5 minutes :D).

Which brings us to how things work now.

manage_forward_zones and manage_reverse_zones are now mandatory for BIND
management.  The items listed in these values will directly map into
zone files.  Hosts will go into their "best fit" as far as zone files.
To illustrate this:

If my settings looked like this:

~    - 'foo.example.com'
~    - 'bar.foo.example.com'

The host 'baz.bar.foo.example.com' would go into the
'bar.foo.example.com' zone whereas the host 's1.foo.example.com' would
go into the 'foo.example.com' zone.

I hope everyone who is testing this out finds this to be much more
useful than the way it previously functioned.  I know I sure do.

I'm going to go put most of this information onto the wiki.

- --
John Eckersberg
Production Operations
Red Hat, Inc.

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